Vounog Planning Application Submitted

We have had notification from Strutt and Parker that the application to build 37 houses on Vounog Hill has been submitted to planning. 

The only obvious changes to the proposed layout is the addition of a public footpath, a pedestrian crossing island and landscape improvements to the public open space including wild flowers, trees and a pond.

The proposed layout - click for a larger image

The Next Steps

The planning department will review the plans and if there is nothing immediate to stop them considering the application, it will be published on the planning website and opened into the formal consultation period. The comments made then are considered by the planning officers, planning committee and potentially planning inspectors if necessary.

The planning authority will then make a recommendation for approval or refusal and it will go before the planning committee for a decision.

If the planning committee were minded to refuse planning permission, the applicant has a right to appeal and the application will be determined by an independent planning inspector.