The Flintshire planning committee have voted, unanimously, to refuse the Redrow Chester Road application. That follows the recommendation of the planning officer who submitted a report recommending refusal. This decision is a huge achievement made possible by the overwhelming response from the community with an unprecedented number of objections to both the planning department and to the planning committee members - a number of whom commented on the professionalism and size of the campaign.
The application was motioned for refusal by Cllr Peers from Drury, who put forward these reasons:
- Outside the Settlement Boundary
- Incursion into open countryside
- Uncontrolled development
- Premature ahead of the LDP process
- Significant detrimental impact on the cohesiveness of the community
- Against the principle of sustainable development
- Risk of flooding
The 'bench' of professionals with the Chairman of the planning committee - there was a good representation from Pen-y-ffordd in attendance!
The committee members appeared to be very happy that they had such strong grounds to refuse, because of the volume of evidence they had of harm, provided by members of our community directly to them and through the data provided in the village questionnaire response. The effort of everyone has paid off!
What next?
Redrow have a right of appeal. If they do, the appeal would be heard by independent planning inspectors, and because there are over 150 houses, by the Welsh Minister. who would look at all of the evidence and wider context and review the policies, in the same way the Flintshire Planning Officer has done. For their appeal to be successful, they will have to demonstrate why policy dictates that the committee and Flintshire County Council have got the decision wrong.
The Village Plan
More than ever, it is vital that we continue with our Community Development Plan - the Government Minister, Lesley Griffith AM/AC has written to us to encourage us to complete the plan. This is our ultimate defence, because it will define the needs of the community between now and 2030. We need as many people as possible to vote on the plan when it is ready in the next few weeks - look out for announcements!
Hawarden Road
Meanwhile, we have an another application to defend for 32 houses on Hawarden Road. We have until 21st April to send objections via the planning website.