Flintshire County Council webcast the planning committee and it is possible to watch back recent sessions. Listening to the frustrations of the Councillors on the committee in dealing with the failings of the national policy is very worrying.
The Planning Committee vote on the Kinnerton development
Many of the Councillors on the committee are sympathetic about overdevelopment, including Cllr Derek Butler, Cllr Alison Halford and Cllr Chris Bithell. Others feel like they are powerless to resist and have voted in favour despite their own personal viewpoint. Vocal among these is Cllr Gareth Roberts.
We need to write to the committee members to give them our support, remind them how strongly we feel about the over-development of our village and also provide them with the policy ammunition they need to stand up for our cause.
This is a link to view the July committee which considered a development of 56 houses outside of the Kinnerton village boundary.
We don't yet know the date of the Chester Road (Redrow) planning committee, but it is vital that we turn up in force with as many people as possible in attendance to show the strength of feeling in the village.
We are allowed only 3 minutes for someone to speak in objection, plus 5 minutes each for our two local Councillors, Cllr Cindy Hinds and Cllr David Williams. If you want to hear how we plan to use the time and have your own voice heard, please come to the next meeting at the Legion 12th September 8.00pm.