Rhos Road (North)
UPDATE 14th March 2018
No news from Flintshire County Council on the application for conditions including the proposed number of affordable homes - there should be 12 altogether.
A new plan has been submitted removing the Swale and increasing the size of the play area. We understand that the Council have requested a full 30% affordable homes provision on the site but we don't yet know whether the planning officer is insisting on it. We are also hoping for a community contribution of £1,400 per house.
Consultation on the revised plan has reopened and the new deadline is the 28/11/2017
Proposal for 40 houses which was granted outline planning permission last August. There is now an application submitted for reserved matters - the next step in getting full approval to start building.
Original Application Number: 053656
Original application 1 May 2015
The original scheme in the outline application (2015)
The application to build 40 houses on land off Rhos Road was rejected by the Flintshire Planning Committee in June but has now been approved on appeal. The inspectors from Welsh Assembly Government approved it based on the recommendations from the Flintshire Planning Officers after a report into foil drains suggested that there were ways to make the drains work.
We would ask everyone to write to Flintshire Country Council planning department and committee and Mr.Andrew Roberts, Planning Strategy Officer, to insist that they honour their own policy to ensure that 30% of the houses are affordable - that would be 12 of the 40 houses.